mercredi 2 juin 2010


Le Bouquet de Chocolats
Le "Cadeau Chocolat" le plus original !
Le Bouquet de Chocolats est composé d'un assortiment de f ...

Le Bouquet de Chocolats
Gratuit :
Livraison offerte à partir de 150 € d'achat.

comptage children DOMInspector

var j=0;for(var i = 0; i<target.length; i++) {if(target[i].className.indexOf('twitter')!=-1) {j++;} };alert(j)

jeudi 4 décembre 2008

GreaseMonkey script for OnTime

// ==UserScript==
// @name           timeOut
// @namespace      timeOut
// @include
// ==/UserScript==
var tdElt  = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_itemsGridContainer_itemsGridControl_itemsGrid_footer');
var trElt = tdElt.parentNode;
var tbodyElt = trElt.parentNode;
tbodyElt.insertBefore(trElt, tbodyElt.firstChild);

samedi 18 octobre 2008

Recording Studio

if you know anyone who needs access to a studio for a podcast or other recording, read this

mardi 7 octobre 2008

Yoono tips

Did you know that you can blog any Note from a WebNote straight to YOUR blog ?

On the light blue header of each Note in a WebNote, on the right bottom there is a down arrow button. It’s a drop down menu, with an option “Blog it”. See it ?

Click on it. Then chose the platform for your blog (Wordpress for this blog, for instance). Give the technical data to connect to it we are here to help if you don’t know how to fill these fields), and then validate… Your blog credential will be remembered for the next time.

For instance, I wrote this article in a Web Note, and blogged it to this blogger blog...

Pretty cool huh ? Let me know if you have trouble using this feature !